Human Resources Manager

  • Course Duration9 Hours
  • Course Start2020-03-01
  • Course Fee799.00 USD


This Certified Human Resource Manager (CHRM) Certification will walk you through the hiring process, from performing a skills inventory to conducting the interview; discuss orientation; and cover some issues that arise after the hiring process (such as diversity issues, compensation, and discipline).

The human resource issues facing today’s business owners and managers. You do not always have the expertise to deal with the many employee relationship issues you face, and yet you will be expected to make decisions that are both effective and legal.

The Module two of CHRM® will familiarize you with a workplace situation where a supervisor has made a decision that you didn’t agree with? Did you wish that you could ask someone else what they thought of the decision; whether they would have done the same thing? The peer review process offers employees just that chance, using a formalized procedure to ask, consider, and resolve just these sorts of questions. This one-day workshop will teach you everything you need to know about employee dispute resolution through mediation.

Organizations recognize that they do better business when their people are engaged, motivated, and yes, talented. Having the right people in place at the right time is a key aspect to continued growth, success, or even just stability. The Module 3 of CHRM will provide you with just what it takes to have the right people ready. It will help you create a program to measure the talents of your people and how to help them grow in preparation for the future. It will also help you support and grow your organization by teaching you how to apply the most current research and adapt your organization to the ever-changing marketplaces.

The Module 4 of CHRM® details with Performance reviews as they are an essential component of employee development. The performance review meeting is an important aspect of career planning, and the outcomes of the meeting should be known to the employee and supervisor before the meeting actually takes place. Remember what the German philosopher Goethe said: “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are capable of being.”

Setting goals and objectives to aim for will give both supervisors and employees a focus, and is one of the key aspects to meeting overall company objectives. Supervisors must also learn how to give feedback, both positive and negative, on a regular and timely basis so that employees can grow and develop. Performance appraisals involve all these activities.

Many people see conflict as a negative experience. In fact, conflict is a necessary part of our personal growth and development. Think of when you were trying to choose your major in college, for example, or trying to decide between two jobs. However, conflict becomes an issue when the people involved cannot work through it. They become engaged in a battle that does not result in growth. When this type of conflict arises, negative energy can result, causing hurt feelings and damaged relationships. The Module 5 of CHRM® course will give participants the tools that will help you resolve conflict successfully and produce a win-win outcome.

Module 6 of CHRM deals with Anger Management. Anger is a universal experience. Dogs get angry, bees get angry, and so do humans. You don’t have to be a psychologist to know that managing anger productively is something few individuals, organizations, and societies do well. Yet research tells us that those who do manage their anger at work are much more successful than those who don’t. The co-worker who can productively confront his teammate about his negative attitude increases his team’s chance of success as well as minimizes destructive conflicts. The customer service agent who can defuse the angry customer not only keeps her customers loyal but makes her own day less troublesome.

On successful completion of the qualification, you will

  • understand the requirements of, and perform as, an effective and efficient, self-managing HR professional, a collaborative member of top management working groups and teams, and an added-value contributor to stakeholders of the organisation,
  • be able to manage recruitment, selection, dismissal, redundancy and retirement activities effectively and within the expectations of the law and good practice,
  • understand the business context of the total reward philosophy and the use of reward intelligence,
  • know how to identify and scrutinise appropriate HR data sources enabling you to conduct research and analyse the findings,
  • understand the purpose and key objectives of the HR function in contemporary organisations,
  • be able to undertake core talent planning activities, know how to maximise employee retention and how to contribute to the development of resourcing strategies,
  • know how to drawing meaningful conclusions and evaluate options for change, and present them persuasively to the management board for supporting changes proposed,
  • understand key labour market trends and their significance for different kinds of organisations and in different country contexts.
  • Curriculum

    • HR Training for the Non HR Managers
    • Employee Dispute Resolution
    • Talent Management
    • Conducting Effective Performance Reviews
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Anger Management

    Key Features

    Knowledge and skills gain
    Lifetime Valid
    Better job opportunities
    Higher pays
    Commitment demonstrated
    Professional designation


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    Agile project management takes the ideas from Agile software development and applies them to project management. Agile methodologies generally promote a project management process that encourages stakeholder involvement, feedback, objective metrics and effective controls.